What's NEW thats going on??? Kuni: Has taken a strange liking to the American food "pretzels". This is a shock to the whole group. considering how profoundly Kuni expressed, "Hmmm..I don't like pretzel" Bill: Opting to "let it grow" after shaving his head some year and a half ago, can now put his hair in his mouth. How cute. Zach: Going slightly insane after accidentally drinking asbestos, Zach spends most of his nights naked in the moutains, and most of his days eating marbles. We like him better now. Mike: Having invented a prototype for "rocket socks", a forms of speedy travel, Mike spends most of his day icing the burns on his feet and writing up new blueprints. Also, he has attracted the attention of a stalker known only as "Carl". News 
HELP US GET NEW REAL ESTATE These islands are known as the Ashmore and Cartier Islands. They are in uninhabited set of islands owned by Australia. Sticky Neko would like to inhabit these islands. We were wondering that is any of you reading this have connections in Australia, maybe you could get the government to give them to us. We don't think that's asking to much....do you? |