!!! UPDATED !!!---CHECK OUT ALL THE NEW PICS NEW NEWS: THE GREAT KUNITOMO RETURNS----AGAIN Kuni Yamada was in America for a while, but then went back to Japan. Two weeks later he got homesick because he loves us soooo much and now he's back......again. STICKY NEKO PLAYS GIG IN ERIE PA Sticky Neko has been added to the venue of a benefit show at Mercyhurst College in Erie Pennsylvania. The scheduled date for the show is April 28th MIKE'S CAR'S IS A-OK Mike Brennan has informed us that is car his in depleated but stable condition in the IC unit of the Pottsville Medical Center. Get well soon Car, we miss you and love you. BLUE BALL COMP DUE OUT SOMETIME IN APRIL/MAY The guys got their song "Everyone" on a compilation CD being put out by the Canadian label Blue Ball records. Look for it in stores near you. This site maintained by: "El Nino" |