Sticky Neko Propaganda


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Hi! This is the page where we show people our desperate rants to record companies in hopes of getting signed.

Here is the first cover letter we sent out: It was to Drive Thru Records. We are still waiting for their reply so hopefully it worked.

Band Name: Sticky Neko

Style of Music: Pop Punk
Home Town: State College, PA

Members: Bill Yazujian (Guitar, Vocals) Hails from: Pottsville, PA
Zach Lorinc (Lead Guitar) Hails from: Pittsburgh, PA
Mike Brennan (Bass Guitar) Hails from: Pottsville, PA
Kunitomo Yamada (Drums) Hails from: Hashima City, Japan

"Meow, Bill?"
"Y'know, this area really lacks good original music."
"Yeah Zach, you're right?"
And thats how it all started.

Zach and Bill met through a couple of mutual friends in the fall of 1999. Soon, they started playing together in the dorms at Penn State. When they really got serious about starting a band, the problem arose of finding a drummer. Preferably a small, really talented Japanese immigrant who knows Judo, and barely spoke English. Where could they find one of those ?!!! Luckily they found a catalog where they could order one. When the box came it was like Christmas came early. Actually, Kuni just lived down the hall from them. He had an electronic set of drums in his dorm and Zach and Bill heard him in the hallway, but the box story is close enough. They started to play together in Kuni's room but the RA kicked them out. Bill mentioned that he had a bassist in his old band at home. After a couple phone calls, a little convincing, and a pack of Wrigley's spearmint gum, Mike sold his SOUL. Let the fun begin.
Mike goes to school elsewhere so Zach, Bill, and Kuni practiced at Zach's girlfriend's house. They recorded a short demo without bass to see how we sounded and sent it home to Mike. He played it around home and got the approval of many friends and relatives. But alas, school ended and they packed Kuni back up and sent him back to Japan.
Summer arrived and Bill, Zach, Kuni, and Mike collaborated back in State College to record some original music for a rough demo with three songs, but it was a step. School started again and they ran on that demo for a while, all the time Zach and Bill writing some new songs. Kuni came back and Zach and Bill joined him once again and they all practiced just the three of them again. They all learned a couple of the new ones and Mike came up for a weekend. On that Friday, Mike learned the bass lines to the new songs and Saturday was spent in the studio. They punched out the demo included and they were on their way.

The only future plans that we really feel strongly about include a possible move to California, getting signed, and touring. We'd really like to watch DragonballZ in the future and meet Gwen Stefani. That'd be cool.