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Time to learn about your favorite band's individual members and what makes them all tick. If you think any of them are hot...let them know with an e-mail.



Name: "Justice" Kunitomo Yamada
Nicknames: Kuni, or J.K.
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Birth Place: Mystery Mountain, Japan
Favorite Weapon: Drums, Nunchuku
Special Power: Night Vision

Little is known about the being called, "Kuni" although many isolated cultures refer to it as "the Soul Swallower". Released from his imprisonment in the ancient Xel Chi temples, "Kuni" rises to join a small pop punk band. Although he says his only goal is to "play band" few people can see through his piercing vision... it makes one wonder what his true goals are..



Name: Mike Brennan
Nickname: Mikey B., Mike "the Murderous" Brennan
Height: Unknown
Weight: 135 - 274 (Fluctuates)
Birth place: San Quentin Penitentiary
Favorite Weapon(Quote): "Whatdya Got! Ha, Ha, *grumble*"
Special Fact: Has been shot or stabbed over 75 times!

The story of "Mikey B." is not a pleasant one nor one for those with weak stomachs. Born to two inmates at the penitentiary he grew up hiding in corridors stealing food from the prisoners while managing to avoid them in showers and such. Things didn't look good for Mike, until Jorge "The Mangler" Rodriguez took the boy aside and taught him how to play the bass guitar. Now armed with a marketable skill (other than manslaughter) Mike "the Murderous" Brennan broke out of San Quentin and began running a small Vegan Sorbet store. When a dispute broke out with his partner about thier new Flavor, Mike put an end to him and fled to Pennsylvania where he joined a small pop punk band. Things seem calm but be weary, "nice" Mike Brennan can snap at any minute... just be sure it's not you who falls in the path of destruction that will surely ensue.



Name: William Yazujian
Nickname: William Yazujian, Project XT3 - A9968
Height: Approx 3-7 ft
Weight: 370 lbs. (due to specially reinforced skeletal system)
Birthplace: Ford Motor Company and Yoshimutso Cloning Labs
Favorite Weapon: Removable left hand wrist flame thrower, guitar

Project XT3 - A9968, code named "Bill" is a fully functioning half man machine hybrid. Made of Ford's finest parts as well as cloned from the genetic material of the world's greatest fiends, XT3 - A9968 (Bill), is a force to be reckoned with. Nearly indestructible "Bill" malfunctioned and escaped from the Government testing facility to a small town in Pennsylvania. Eventually he became part of a small punk band. Often seeen chugging bottles of Castrol motor oil, it is not known how long his whereabouts will remain a secret. The government wants him back and will stop at nothing to reclaim their creation. Only time will tell...



Name: Zachary Lorinc
Nicknames: Zach, The Y2K bug, "El Nino"
Height: NA
Weight: NA
Birthplace: Microsoft Labs
Vertical Leap: 3'4"
Favorite Weapon: Lead Guitar, Salami
Special Skill: Advanced Healing

Zach is not actually a living being, but a computer program gone wrong. Originally created by Microsoft as a emergency fall back program, something went wrong when the labs were struck by lightning. The program was transferred into a virus and is now know to have been the cause of not only, the Y2K problem, "El Nino", but the creation of the band, "Soul Decision" as well. Not without a conscience, Zach is tortured with regret about the crimes he's commited against humanity. Most of all about "Soul Decision". Unfortunately he has little control of himself. He was finally destroyed by the weird looking guy from 3 Doors Down, in an epic batttle. He was however reincarnated in human form by some unearthly power and now must pay for his crimes by serving in a small pop punk band (Sticky Neko).
